A Story About Si Subur

2024-09-09 2 min read

Assalamualaikum, Bismillah, hola, moshi-moshi. This is a system called “Si Subur.” What does Si Subur mean? In Indonesia, “subur” means fertile, lush, or productive (synonyms include gemuk, gendut, etc.). The “fertility” I want to talk about in this article refers to human fertility. Subur based on KBBI

In English, fertile can mean (of a seed or egg) capable of becoming a new individual, or (of a person, animal, or plant) able to conceive young or produce seed.

We Indonesians love naming systems that start with “SI” when they are related to information systems, like SIDesa, SIAkad, SImpatika, or whatever name you can think of. Now, back when I was in college, I often joined competitions like PKM, Gemastik, etc. Initially, I had my own ideas, such as building an IoT device to prevent taxi drivers from getting tired and falling asleep or creating a hat for kids to detect brain disorders. Unfortunately, my lecturer thought those ideas were too difficult to implement, so she gave me a new one—the idea of monitoring the menstrual cycle and women’s fertility.

What makes this different from regular menstrual monitoring apps? The difference is in the device. I built a device similar to a thermometer, but the body temperature readings are automatically displayed on the system I developed. So, Si Subur essentially consists of two interconnected devices.

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