About Me

1 min read

Adwin Nugroho Siswoyo

Adwin Nugroho Siswoyo

You can call me Adwin, born and raised at Samarinda, Indonesia. Currently I working at Diacon Medica Technologies as a backend developer. I graduated from University of Muhammadiyah Malang with a bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering. My first project as a software engineer was create an cashier and online booking system with Visual Basic 6.0. Online Booking with VB6

During college I was actively participated in competitions in the field of tech such as Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa, Gemastik. I really like the topic of research on health informatics, I always dreaming can help people, although I’m not a doctor. Now i’m just focusing on microservices, web development with GoLang, and sometimes do random stuff with python and R for data science.

Here are a few technologies mostly I use on daily basis:


  • Go
  • Python
  • R
  • PHP
  • CSS, HTML & JavaScript


  • Go Echo Framework
  • Redis
  • Postgre SQLs
  • ArangoDB
  • MySQL
  • Nats.io (message broker)
  • Docker
  • Kubernates
  • Django
  • PHP Laravel


  • VSCode
  • Postman
  • Git/Github

Currently learning

  • AWS
  • R
  • Python
  • gRPC
  • Cloud computing

In case you need to contact me, please email at adwinnugroho16@gmail.com or DM my telegram at my telegram

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