Web Development
Python Django
PPMS (Portable Patient Monitoring System) Project. This tool is made to help monitor patients while they are in the ambulance until they arrive at the hospital. I worked with Mr. Hanugra Aulia Sidharta for connect RaspberryPI with Django! go to repository
Go Collection
Go Programming Language
A list of awesome Go that I created for helping in work, like a, generate a random string, count ages, calculate the date, reverse the array, generate CSV, implement 3rd party package like Redis, and many more. It will be always updated! go to repository
Data Science
R with Rstudio
The implementation of C50 algorithm in this project is used for analyze the amount of oxygen and human heart rate. Where there are many estimates of factors that cause heart disease in humans accompanied by increasing age. Therefore this algorithm discusses oxygen levels and heart rates. The C50 algorithm is implemented with R programming language and Rstudio.
Data Science
R with Rstudio
Prediction of fertility in women using State-Space modeling based on Basal Body Temperature (BBT). State-space modeling is implemented with R programming language and Rstudio.
Web Development
PHP CodeIgniter 3, WordPress, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS
Develop and design web for consume json data from microcontroller I build before. Wordpress used for Content Management Server, graphic basal body temprature using chart JS.
Arduino (C Programming Languange)
Basal body temperature is used to determine when a woman will ovulate. The aim of this project is to design and build an automatic body temperature monitoring tool. The tools used are microcontroller ESP866 and MLX90614 censored.